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NEWS AND VIDEOS - Bicycle Accident Cases - Page 2

How much should my bicycle accident settlement be worth?

Bicycle accidents are often serious and lead to catastrophic injuries. In most cases, a bicycle accident settlement is your last hope to pay your medical bills and support your family. Unfortunately, many injured victims settle for much less than they deserve simply because they do not know how much their settlement is worth.
What damages can […]

By |May 31st, 2017|Bicycle Accident Cases|0 Comments

Does Florida have a bicycle helmet law?

Yes, Florida’s bicycle helmet law [Florida Statute § 316.2065(3)(d)] requires that every bicycle rider or passenger who is 15 years old or younger must wear a helmet that meets federal safety standards.
What if I have an old bicycle helmet?
Federal law allowed owners of older bicycle helmets (bought before October 1, 2012) that met any nationally […]

By |May 19th, 2017|Bicycle Accident Cases|0 Comments

Does car insurance cover bicycle accidents in Florida?

Yes, car insurance does cover bicycle accidents in Florida. What insurance you will use depends on who was at fault.
Will my own car insurance cover me if I am in a bicycle accident in Florida?
Yes. Your personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage travels with you, meaning it will cover your injuries from a bicycle accident. […]

By |April 21st, 2017|Bicycle Accident Cases|0 Comments

VIDEO: What are the potential pitfalls of my bicycle accident case?

Hyram Montero explains what some of the pitfalls may be in a bicycle accident case.

By |August 2nd, 2012|Bicycle Accident Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What are the potential pitfalls of my bicycle accident case?

VIDEO: What do I need to prove to win my bicycle accident case?

Hyram Montero explains what you need to prove to win your bicycle accident case.

By |July 5th, 2012|Bicycle Accident Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What do I need to prove to win my bicycle accident case?

VIDEO: What type of evidence will I need to prove my bicycle accident case?

Hyram Montero explains what type of evidence you'll need to prove a bicycle accident case.

By |July 3rd, 2012|Bicycle Accident Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What type of evidence will I need to prove my bicycle accident case?

VIDEO: How long will it take to settle my bicycle accident case?

Hyram Montero explains how long it may take to settle a bicycle accident case.

By |June 19th, 2012|Bicycle Accident Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: How long will it take to settle my bicycle accident case?

VIDEO: Are witnesses important in bicycle accident cases?

Hyram Montero explains whether witnesses are important in bicycle accident cases.

By |June 14th, 2012|Bicycle Accident Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: Are witnesses important in bicycle accident cases?

VIDEO: Are there time limits to sue for injuries in a bicycle accident case?

Hyram Montero explains whether there are time limits to sue for injuries in a bicycle accident case.

By |June 12th, 2012|Bicycle Accident Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: Are there time limits to sue for injuries in a bicycle accident case?

VIDEO: Are punitive damages available in bicycle accident cases?

Hyram Montero explains whether punitive damages are available in bicycle accident cases.

By |June 4th, 2012|Bicycle Accident Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: Are punitive damages available in bicycle accident cases?