When you have obtained a personal injury from a car accident or other type of accident, you may want to find a personal injury lawyer to help you with your case. Most victims do not have the expertise to fully understand all of the laws regarding a personal injury case. The insurance companies will have the financial resources to hire lawyers in defense against personal injury claims. For this reason, you should consider having legal representation on your side as well. To hire a personal injury lawyer for your case, you want to make sure that you research personal injury lawyers in your area to find one that is going to work with you and your particular needs.
When you choose a personal injury lawyer, you are trusting them to represent you in your case and have your interests at heart. Not every personal injury lawyer only practices personal injury cases, and they do not all have the same experiences and qualifications. If you have found that you are in need of a lawyer for your personal injury case, there are several things that you should keep in mind.
Considerations When Choosing Your Personal Injury Lawyer
When choosing a personal injury lawyer, it should be as easy as possible for you to meet with your legal team. If your case involves a serious injury, a personal injury lawyer will typically offer to come to the hospital or your home to meet with you. Your focus needs to be on getting better, which is why having a lawyer who is willing to meet you at your home or in the hospital can make things a bit easier on you.
When it comes to convenience, your legal team should also be in the area where you are injured. You want your lawyer to be close at hand so that your case will be handled by someone familiar with the local laws regarding personal injury cases.
Trial Experience
When it comes to handling these types of cases, you want a lawyer who has tried cases. The reason for this is that these law firms understand and have likely tried cases similar to yours. You want a lawyer who has represented people who have suffered injuries like yours. You want someone on your side who will do everything in their power to make sure that you will receive what you deserve from your case.
When contacting a potential lawyer for your case, make sure that you ask about any board certifications that they have, awards they have won, case results, and any other credentials that they may have. You should also take the time to read reviews about the law office.
Typically, a personal injury lawyer in Florida will work on contingency-based fees. Not every lawyer does this, but it is a fairly common practice in personal injury law. Most law firms will only charge a fee if there is a recovery. An attorney that meets with you for a free consultation and tells you that there will not be a fee unless there is a recovery is not offering something out of the ordinary. Almost all lawyers in personal injury cases will make this type of offer.
The cost of a personal injury lawyer can vary, and there are several things to know about contingency-based fees. The percentage that the law firm charges you if you do get a recovery will vary. Typically, the charges will be about 33 percent of the award. If you do not recover any damages for your claim, your lawyer will not charge you anything. It is important to note that there is a difference between attorney fees and case expenses. While you may not have to pay any attorney’s fees if you do not win your case, you may still owe for the expenses of your case. These expenses may include court reporter fees, expert witness fees, filing fees, medical record fees, physician reports, and all of the other costs that go into a personal injury lawsuit.
Each law firm handles these expenses differently. Some law firms will require you to pay a large portion of the litigation expenses before the case starts or to make payments on an ongoing basis. Another option is that the lawyer pays the expenses as the case moves along, and the client reimburses the lawyer from any recovery when the case is complete. If the case is lost, the law firm may ask the client to reimburse all of the expenses. For these reasons, it is important to discuss the fee structure with the lawyer before you agree to them taking on your case.
Resources for Finding a Personal Injury Lawyer
For those who want to learn how to find a personal injury lawyer, the internet is a wonderful tool to search for lawyers. With a simple online search, you should be able to find numerous attorneys in your areas who can handle a case like yours. Also, most personal injury lawyers provide a free consultation over the phone, and in that initial call, they can let you know if you have enough to pursue a claim or lawsuit.
Choosing a personal injury lawyer to represent you in your case is not a decision that you should take lightly. We are here to help ease any hesitations or concerns that you may have about hiring a lawyer for your personal injury case. When you call Montero Law Center to speak to us about your case, we will listen to your concerns and are happy to answer any questions that you may have. We will work with you and do our best to help you through this extremely difficult time. Contact us today at (954) 767-6500 to get started.