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NEWS AND VIDEOS - Brain Injury - Page 2

VIDEO: What type of evidence will I need to prove my brain injury case?

Hyram Montero explains what type of evidence you'll need to prove your brain injury case.

By |August 20th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What type of evidence will I need to prove my brain injury case?

VIDEO: What do I need to prove to win my brain injury case?

Hyram Montero explains what you may need to prove to win your brain injury case.

By |August 18th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What do I need to prove to win my brain injury case?

VIDEO: What are the potential pitfalls of my brain injury case?

Hyram Montero explains what some of the pitfalls may be in a brain injury case.

By |August 17th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What are the potential pitfalls of my brain injury case?

VIDEO: How long will it take to settle my brain injury case?

Hyram Montero explains how long it can take to settle a brain injury case.

By |August 16th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: How long will it take to settle my brain injury case?

VIDEO: Can any attorney handle a brain injury case?

Hyram Montero explains whether any attorney can be hired to handle a brain injury case.

By |August 15th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: Can any attorney handle a brain injury case?

VIDEO: Are there limits on damages in brain injury cases?

Hyram Montero explains whether there are limits on damages in brain injury cases.

By |August 14th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: Are there limits on damages in brain injury cases?

VIDEO: Are punitive damages available in brain injury cases?

Hyram Montero explains whether punitive damages are available in brain injury cases.

By |August 13th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: Are punitive damages available in brain injury cases?

VIDEO: If an MRI was done of my brain after my injury, and it was normal, does that mean that I did not suffer a concussion?

Hyram Montero explains whether an MRI scan can tell if you suffered a concussion or not.

By |August 12th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: If an MRI was done of my brain after my injury, and it was normal, does that mean that I did not suffer a concussion?

VIDEO: How do I learn if the attorney I want to hire has specific experience in brain injury lawsuits?

Hyram Montero explains how you can tell whether an attorney has experience in winning brain injury cases.

By |August 11th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: How do I learn if the attorney I want to hire has specific experience in brain injury lawsuits?

VIDEO: How soon do I need to file a lawsuit in a brain injury case?

Hyram Montero explains how soon you need to file a lawsuit in a brain injury case.

By |August 10th, 2012|Brain Injury, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: How soon do I need to file a lawsuit in a brain injury case?