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NEWS AND VIDEOS - Dog Bites Cases

Do I Sue the Dog Walker or the Owner if a Dog Bites Me?

Whether you sue the dog walker or owner if a dog bites you depends on the circumstances of the incident. In most cases, you would sue the owner.
When You Can Sue the Dog Owner or Walker
Florida law does not specify whether you can hold a dog handler liable for injuries. However, Florida law holds dog […]

By |February 11th, 2019|Dog Bites Cases|0 Comments

Can a Dog Bite Cause Infection?

You thought the dog bite was the worst of it, but then a couple of days after the terrifying attack, the area around the bite swelled and turned red. The pain increased and your flesh felt hot. You wondered if the bite could be infected. Contact our firm at 954-767-6500 to find out more about […]

By |December 7th, 2018|Dog Bites Cases|0 Comments

Is a Dog Owner Liable for a Dog Bite in Florida?

Yes, the dog owner is liable if the person was in a public place or legally on private property, including where the dog lives, when bitten. The Florida statutes have no requirement that the owner knew of the dog being vicious in the past, or that the dog ever previously bit anyone. In other words, there […]

By |May 7th, 2018|Dog Bites Cases|0 Comments

VIDEO: What type of evidence will I need to prove my animal and dog bite case?

Hyram Montero explains what type of evidence you will need in your animal or dog bite case.

By |August 1st, 2012|Dog Bites Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What type of evidence will I need to prove my animal and dog bite case?

VIDEO: What options are available to someone injured in an animal and dog bite case?

Hyram Montero explains what options are available to victims in animal or dog bite cases.

By |August 1st, 2012|Dog Bites Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What options are available to someone injured in an animal and dog bite case?

VIDEO: Are witnesses important in animal and dog bite cases?

Hyram Montero explains whether witnesses are important in animal or dog bite cases.

By |July 31st, 2012|Dog Bites Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: Are witnesses important in animal and dog bite cases?

VIDEO: What will the defendant argue against me in my animal and dog bite case?

Hyram Montero explains what a defendant may argue against you in an animal or dog bite case.

By |July 6th, 2012|Dog Bites Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What will the defendant argue against me in my animal and dog bite case?

VIDEO: What are the potential pitfalls of my animal and dog bite case?

Hyram Montero explains what some of the pitfalls might be in a potential animal or dog bite case.

By |June 30th, 2012|Dog Bites Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What are the potential pitfalls of my animal and dog bite case?

VIDEO: What should I do if an insurance company approached me about my injuries in my animal and dog bite case?

Hyram Montero explains what you should do if an insurance company approaches you about your injuries in an animal and dog bite case.

By |June 18th, 2012|Dog Bites Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What should I do if an insurance company approached me about my injuries in my animal and dog bite case?

VIDEO: What do I need to prove to win my animal and dog bite case?

Hyram Montero explains what you need to prove to win an animal or dog bite case.

By |June 17th, 2012|Dog Bites Cases, Florida Law, Personal Injury|Comments Off on VIDEO: What do I need to prove to win my animal and dog bite case?