Traumatic brain injury is harm to the brain that results from a violent blow to the head or body. Another way that a person can get a traumatic brain injury is when something like a fractured bit of skull or an external object, like a piece of metal, pierces brain tissue.

Accidents involving vehicles are a leading cause of traumatic brain injury. Anyone on the kid could suffer one of these potentially life-threatening injuries.

An Overview of Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can range from mild to fatal. With a mild TBI, the patient might experience a temporary interruption of one or more brain functions. For example, the person might lose consciousness briefly, have nausea or vomiting, and have a headache. Some of these symptoms tend to subside after a week or two, while other signs might last for a little longer.

With moderate to severe TBI, you can experience the same symptoms as a person with a mild TBI. Your signs might be more extreme or last for a longer time. Also, you could have seizures, marked confusion, slurred speech, loss of coordination, coma, or even death.

The indications of TBI do not always appear immediately. It can take hours or days for the symptoms to show up after a head injury.

Consequences of a Traumatic Brain Injury

One of the most profound complications of TBI is an altered state of consciousness. Some of these states are temporary, while others can go on for months or years. These altered states of consciousness include:

  • Coma
  • Vegetative state
  • Minimally conscious state
  • Brain death

In addition to changing a person’s level of consciousness, a person can develop seizures from a TBI. Sometimes it takes years for the seizures to start after a TBI.

Many people complain of frequent headaches after a TBI. These painful episodes can be debilitating. Some people have chronic headaches after a head injury.

Depending on the region of the brain that took damage, a person can sustain these consequences of a TBI:

  • Loss of or diminished sense of smell or taste
  • Double vision, vision loss, and hearing loss
  • Cognitive problems like memory, attention, and the ability to learn
  • Difficulty with decision-making, problem-solving, and other aspects of executive functioning
  • Struggles to communicate and understand speech, writing, and conversations

These are but a few examples of the many possible complications of a head injury.

How a Traumatic Brain Injury Can Affect Your Life

After suffering a head injury from an accident like a car accident, your life might be different. The complications of a TBI can impact your:

  • Health and well-being
  • Your ability to work for a living
  • Your ability to live independently

Everyone has a different experience after a head injury. The changes to your life will depend on the facts of your situation.

Getting Legal Help for a Traumatic Brain Injury

At the Montero Law Center, we dedicate ourselves to helping people who get hurt at the hands of others. We are a family and community-focused firm. We will work hard to get you the compensation that you deserve. Call us today at (954) 767-6500 for a free consultation. You may have a limited time to fight for compensation under FL § 95.11.