Neck injuries can derail your ability to work and earn a living, but you could be entitled to compensation if you have sustained an injury to your neck. There is no single answer to how much you may be awarded for your injury, as the circumstances of each case are unique.
Another Party May Be Liable for Your Injury
Neck injuries are often debilitating, and we commonly see negligence as a cause of clients’ neck injuries. Some possible causes of neck injuries that may involve negligence include:
- Car accidents
- Slip and fall
- Trip and fall
- Objects falling on you from above
These are just a few of the circumstances that can cause neck injury. If you are experiencing neck pain that is the result of someone else’s actions or their failure to protect you from harm, consider that you may have a right to compensation from that person.
Call A Lawyer If You Have A Neck Injury That Is Somebody Else’s Fault
One of the most common causes of neck injury is a car accident. If you injured your neck in a car accident, first seek medical attention to obtain documentation of and treatment for your neck injury. Next, call a lawyer, who can help you by:
- Filing paperwork to ensure that your personal injury claim is initiated as quickly as possible
- Speaking with you and your doctor to document the full scope of your injuries
- Collecting evidence of negligence by the defendant in your case, which may include video of the accident, photos of the aftermath, eyewitness accounts, and police reports
- Handling all the legal steps necessary to bring your case to completion, whether it is a judgement or settlement
- Protecting your rights
The goal is to show the court that the defendant acted negligently in some way, meaning that he exposed you to an unreasonable risk of harm. Some behaviors that commonly result in collisions include:
- Speeding
- Tailgating
- Engaging in distracted driving, such as texting, making a phone call, or taking your eyes off the road for any reason
- Driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs
If the defendant in your case engaged in these or any number of other negligent driver behaviors, you could be awarded compensation for your losses.
Possible Awards for Your Injuries
No two personal injury claims are the same, and any awards that you are eligible for are contingent on the specifics of your case. With this in mind, some common awards in neck injury claims may cover:
- Medical expenses related to your injury
- Lost wages or diminished earning capacity caused by your injury
- Pain and suffering resulting from your injury
- Punitive damages to be paid by the defendant
Neck injuries can affect virtually every aspect of your life. If you are suffering, call a lawyer today.
Reach Out to the Attorneys at Montero Law Center
We offer legal services that are rooted in the old-fashioned values of faith, family, and hard work. We will fight for you, so call our team today at (954) 767-6500 for a free consultation.